Nothing momentous happened in March, but nothing bad did, either!
- I finished decluttering both the garage and the kitchen counter — which were both huge jobs! And they both look so much better!
- Signed up for another cruise to the Mediterranean — to different places from last year’s cruise. That’s really something fun to look forward to!
- My son and daughter-in-law and their dog came to visit over their spring break. And my son finished defending his thesis for his master’s degree and is plugging away toward his Ph.D. Proud mama here!
- Even though it rained nearly all day, Easter Sunday was nice. Went to an outdoor church service at historic Boone Hall nearby (luckily – under a tent), had an (indoor) picnic lunch with a friend and met another friend for coffee. It was cozy sitting inside Starbucks watching it rain outdoors.
- Two of my older blog posts were featured on BlogHer — and I didn’t even realize it til I went to the site to post a new entry and saw them under Editor’s Picks.
- The weather’s been spring-like — warm but not humid yet. And it felt wonderful to finally shed the three layers of clothes I’ve been wearing to work all winter long.
- Bought some spring flowers for the window boxes on my front porch; that’s one of my favorite rites of spring.
- Have gotten hooked on “House of Cards” and have been enjoying watching that on Netflix.
- My birthday’s coming up, so I ordered the book “How Not to Act Old”!
- Had a tension headache for a week, but got a great massage and figured out it was from knots in my neck (too much intense computer work, no doubt). So I made a point to stretch my neck during the day at work; printed a chart of neck stretches and have been doing them religiously. It really helps!
Sounds like March was an overall win for you! Here’s to a terrific April!
Carolann recently posted…Why Every DIY Project Needs The Ultimate Tools
Thanks for stopping by! I mostly write these Highs and Lows so I remember what I did each month!