Category Archives: contest

Super Fun Fundraiser: Container Garden Contest and Silent Auction

A container garden contest and silent auction is a unique and fun fundraiser that can produce big results; I coordinated this event in my workplace at a government agency and it was an incredible hit.

Posted in contest, fun, fundraising ideas, gardening, miscellaneous, saving money | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Winner in the “Name my New Car” Contest

Last week, I offered a $10 Amazon gift card to the person who submitted the best name for my new silver car. Thanks to everyone who entered my first blog contest — you had some great ideas and it was … Continue reading

Posted in car, contest, thoughts tips and tales | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Enter the Contest to Name my New Car; Win a $10 Amazon Gift Card

I always name my cars, and my new 2014 “bright silver” Nissan Sentra (pictured above and written about previously in the worst new car buying experience ever) needs a cute handle. Please submit ideas! I’ll announce the winner next week … Continue reading

Posted in contest, name my car, new car, Nissan, thoughts tips and tales | Tagged , , , , | 13 Comments