If you or someone you know will be undergoing carpal tunnel surgery in the future, you may benefit from seeing photos and reading information about my recent surgery so you know what to expect. (A family member who lives in another state also had this surgery within the last year, and so did a local friend, and my experience was remarkably similar to theirs, so I’m assuming what happened to us was standard procedure.)
To determine that the tingling or numbness in your thumb and several other fingers is, in fact, a problem with the carpal tunnel in your wrist and not some other malady, your surgeon will probably send you to a neurologist. That doctor will place several types of electrodes up and down the arm of the affected hand and administer “jolts” of current. Testing with the initial (larger) electrodes doesn’t really hurt; it just feels a little odd.
After the first test, he or she may place more electrodes at various locations on your arm and hand and do additional testing. (I closed my eyes and looked away during the whole test in case something gruesome happened.) The second part didn’t feel so good. (At that point, I understood why, when I left the surgeon’s office and blithely said to one of the nurses, “Gee, electrode testing can’t be that bad,” she raised her eyebrows and gave me an odd, sort of questioning, look.
After the last part of the test occurred, I felt the doctor wiping my hand and applying pressure with what felt like a paper towel — and realized he must be wiping away blood. (I have a needle phobia.) I finally asked, “Are you sticking needles in me?” and his (crafty) answer was, “No, they’re just thin electrodes.” Riiiighhhhtt….
If you are diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome and surgery is scheduled, the outpatient procedure doesn’t take long (less than an hour, with no complications).
You won’t be able to eat after midnight and someone will need to drive you to the facility, since you’ll receive light anesthesia and won’t be able to drive home. In my case, I was home less than three hours after we got there! The friend who drove me went to the drugstore after dropping me off and filled the prescription for pain pills that the surgeon gave me. Don’t forget to do this!
Your hand will be wrapped in a thick bandage that resembles a cast — with your fingers free — and it’ll be numb for a few hours so you won’t feel pain. After the numbness goes away, your hand may hurt and you may need to take some pain pills for a day or two. The hands contains the most dense concentration of nerve endings of any area in the human body.
In my case, my hand hurt the rest of the day of the surgery and half of the next day. From then on, I didn’t feel any pain unless I twisted my hand a certain way. (My relative – who must be tougher than I am! – said her hand didn’t hurt at all and only took one pain pill the whole time.)
The bandage will remain in place on your hand for about ten days, and you’ll be advised not to type or lift anything heavier than one pound with that hand. I had surgery on my left hand (and I’m right-handed), so while it was inconvenient and some things (like washing, drying and curling my hair) took longer than they normally do, I didn’t have any real problems with everyday activities. My relative had surgery on her right hand and she did amazingly well! With the fingers totally free, you’re able to do a lot more things than you might imagine. (I went to help her during the week after surgery and ended up cooking meals and running around after her saying repeatedly, “Don’t pick that up! Let me help you!” She did all kinds of things!)
When you bathe, you’ll need to cover the bandage to avoid getting it wet. I found that umbrella bags — like many stores display on a rack at the entrance — with a large rubber band holding the top closed, worked well to keep the area dry. (Before surgery, you might start “borrowing” a few umbrella covers to gather a supply.) I also collected the plastic bags that are wrapped around my daily newspapers to have a supply of them in advance, as well as a stash of grocery store plastic bags.
About ten days after surgery, you’ll return to the surgeon for a follow-up visit and the bandage will be cut off your hand and stitches will be removed.
I found out I’d had ten stitches the day they were taken out! As an avid blogger and scrapbooker, I naturally asked the nurse to take a photo (seen here), and when I showed it to my girlfriend later, she said if I’d had a bolt in my head I would’ve looked like Frankenstein!
The doctor gave me a neoprene-like hand and wrist wrap to wear for several weeks after the bandage was removed; a thick, silicone pad was attached inside the wrap to protect my hand, which was very tender. I loved the glove because (A) it was a lot less unwieldy than the bandage had been and (B) it enabled me to do nearly everything without pain. The first day I typed with the brace, my hand hurt after an hour or so (I was SO happy to write blog posts with two hands again!), but after that, it was fine. I occasionally twisted my fingers a certain way that made me want to scream, but it didn’t happen very often!
In addition to wearing the glove, you’ll be told to massage the incision with unscented lotion several times a day; the purpose is to avoid scar formation and to desensitize the hand. A year after surgery, both my relative and my friend show no signs of a scar on their hands, so I’m taking the massage message seriously!
I work as a writer, so I had to take sick leave the day of the surgery and until the bandage came off, because I wasn’t able to type with two hands. (However, I did continue to type blog posts with one hand! That was not fun — or efficient.) I took eight and a half days off work, and worked only half a day the first day back. After that, I worked full days and haven’t had any problems.
The surgery and recuperation wasn’t as bad as I anticipated, and not having tingling, numb fingers is a blessing. Have a positive attitude about your surgery and you’ll probably have the same experience!
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Hope you are back to working with 2 healthy strong hands soon. I can’t image tackling our little guy with one hand. It was be such a hot mess around here!
It would be so hard to only have use of one hand, but it sounds like the process went really quick.
Paris at My Big Fat Happy Life recently posted…Guest Co-hosting: Wake Up Wednesday Linky
Thanks for writing. Yeah, it did. Didn’t want to gross people out with the photo of the stitches, but I would’ve loved to have seen a photo like that before I had the surgery – just to know what to expect. Everyone I’ve ever seen who had it had their hand all wrapped up!
I actually saw a carpal tunnel surgery once! The prep was longer than the actual surgery. Hope you are healing nicely 🙂
Wow – that would’ve been either very cool — or gruesome — not sure which! You’re right – the surgery took less than half an hour.
I didn’t even realize you could have carpel tunnel surgery. I am glad you had it though and are feeling a little better!
Leanna Ranieri recently posted…Spotlight of the Week // Making Life Goals
My cousin developed carpel tunnel while pregnant and couldn’t do anything. It went away after she had the baby but for the last couple months of the pregnancy it was so bad that we spent a lot of time researching the surgery etc. and you’re right, the experiences are pretty similar across the board.
Thanks for sharing!
GiselleR @ Diary of an ExSloth recently posted…Garlic Shrimp Pasta with Roasted Beets
Thank you for the informative post. My friend is going through this today.
Kaz @ Melting Moments recently posted…Weekly Wrap Up Linky – Armenian Nutmeg Cake
Thanks for commenting! I wrote the post hoping I could help people who were having the same experience.
Thank you for sharing this Diane, carpal tunnel syndrome is never a pleasant thing for people to experience but we do try our best to help as much as we can with hand surgery procedures. My top advice for anybody suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome is to research the hand surgery practitioner and ensure they’re highly qualified and highly experienced to match.
Sohail Akhtar recently posted…How to choose the right experienced plastic surgeon
I would have never thought to massage the incision to reduce the formation of scars. Avoiding a scar is important so it’s good to know that massaging with unscented lotion can make that difference. Consulting with a professional on when to start massaging and how would be a good way to avoid causing any more injury.
Six to nine months after the surgery you couldn’t see a single mark from the stitches. It really worked!
Miss Diane, do you think CTS could be weight related? Like, do size 2 girls get it as well as us size 14 ladies? I am having surgery in the next couple months. I don’t care about a scar but does it help with the Healing process as well? I’m a lunch lady ar a Very busy elementary school, use my hands All the time and of COURSE mine is on the right side. ? Your blog was extremely helpful! I have heard sorted stories about healing, has yours been good? Back to normal hand function, your friend/ relative too? Sorry for rattling on. Thank you, very much!!
The healing period’s not so bad, although it would be a little harder with your dominant hand (like you), but in a month or so you can do everything again, once you can lift weights over two pounds or so. My doctor gave me a glove to wear that was padded with silicon or something very soft, and that really helped when I wore it after the surgery to keep from hurting the incision area. My relative and I both had our hand functions back in full and everything was fine. Good luck with your surgery!
Hi again, I’m a month n half post op and everything is FANTASTIC! I am so Happy I had the surgery, no numbing tingling or waking up in pain at night! I have no scar and am getting strength back everyday. Can’t wait to get back to school and my ankle biters?? Happy NEW YEAR TO ALL!
That’s great! Thanks for writing to let us know.
Though it seems painful but i glad to know that you mentioned here after few months the mark of stitches will remove. Thank you for great sharing. I will suggest to my friend who is looking for the Carpal Tunnel Surgery.
I am having carpal tunnel surgery in March 2017 and am so happy I came upon your blog! It was very informative and eased some of the worries I was having. Thank you so much for sharing!
I am having it on my right hand (dominant one) and am currently practicing using my left hand for things. It will definitely be interesting as we don’t realize how much we need both our hands to do every day stuff….putting on a bra, tying your pants etc…
All this will be worth it in the end to not have the pain and numbness when doing normal activities!
Good luck on your surgery! Besides being inconvenient to only use one hand, it’s not bad — and your hand should look exactly the way it was before in about 9 months.
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Thanks for sharing your experience Diane. My sister plans to get the same surgery but afraid to do so because of some complications. I’m glad your back to normal and hope I could convince my sister so she could be free from years of pain.
Hope you convince her, too. It really was amazingly good for me and the surgery seemed to help. Thanks for commenting!
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