Was reading today about “bucket lists” and found a lot of great resources online with ideas of things to include on your “lifetime goal” list. Check this compilation of bucket lists at http://bucketlistjourney.net/2011/07/45-inspiring-bucket-lists-that-i-stalk.
Here are some items on my bucket list:
1) Take a road trip across the U.S.
2) Try archery
3) Visit every continent and see Egypt and the Greek Isles
4) Get a personal essay article published in a local women’s magazine
5) Go skinny dipping
6) Complete a Ramblin’ Rose mini-triathlon
7) Learn to swim (to do the mini-triathlon)
8) Learn to dance
9) Continue taking a photo a day (have done it for 4 1/2 years so far)
10) See my son finish grad school and get his Ph.D.
11) Find Mr. Right for the rest of my life
12) Do (walk) a color run
13) Visit all 50 states
14) Take a ride on the scenic coastal highway in California
15) Get a white coton de tulear puppy
What’s on your list?
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This is great! Thanks for sharing. 🙂 I have a bucket list too.
1) Take a road trip across the U.S. – Are there places you’d want to see along the way, or would you want it to be more spontaneous?
8) Learn to dance – Have you seen this?
She also has a site called Give it 100 that is pretty interesting.
Thanks for the links — loved them and they’re very inspiring!
My idea of a cool cross-country trip is to buy a book about odd sites in every state (largest ball of thread, smallest church, etc.) and visit them, along with the major attractions.
Your road trip idea sounds like fun! Quirky places can be so fun, and then combining them with the traditional “gotta-see” sights sounds like the best of both worlds!
Shelly @ The Goal List recently posted…Please vote for me in the Big Blog Exchange!
I know it’s been a while, but I saw this site and thought of this comment conversation we had. I think it might help you find some quirky spots wherever your hometown is and on the road: http://www.atlasobscura.com/
Shelly @ The Goal List recently posted…Interview with Jody Lundrigan at Adventures of a Blond White Girl
Thanks – very interesting website! Thought I’d been to all the cool places around here but found some new ones there.
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