We’ve all had at least one teacher who’s made a major difference in our lives.
The most wonderful teacher I ever had was my junior high English teacher, Mrs. Alberti.
She was a dynamic, warm women who:
- Insisted we speak properly
- Drilled verb tenses into our heads
- Diagrammed sentences with a passion
And she instilled in me a lifetime love of language, opening the door to the beauty and power of the written word.
Her thorough teaching of writing skills (I can still diagram a sentence today!) gave me the confidence and ability to write and publish two books and do the job I love today — work as a professional writer and editor.
Years ago, I wrote Mrs. Alberti a letter and sent her a copy of my first book, along with a front-page newspaper article about it. She was probably in her late 70s then and I figured that not many of her students from that small town in West Virginia had written a book — or thanked her for everything she taught them.
I never heard back from her, but always hoped my letter brought her pleasure.
Years afterwards, Mrs. Alberti’s daughter looked me up on Facebook and asked if I was the person who’d written to her mom.
She didn’t say anything about when her mom received my letter, but she said when her mother passed away, the family read my letter at her funeral.
Write and thank a teacher today. You’ll never regret it.
wow that is a beautiful story! I had a few teachers in college whom I adored. Reaching out to them seems like a great idea. Thank you for this lovely post!
Carolann recently posted…The Data Dump
Thank you! Had a couple other really good teachers, too, but none to compare to her. Bet it makes a teacher’s day to get a letter from a former student.
So now we know why you are so gifted with words! I’m so glad you heard back from your teacher’s daughter. That’s a beautiful story.
Thanks so much! I thought it was really a cool thing, too.
What an incredibly moving story. The power of gratitude can come back and touch your life when you least expect it. As a teacher and as a writer, this touched me. Thank you!
Shailaja recently posted…Deactivate that Facebook account
Thanks for the nice comment! I really think everyone should contact their favorite teachers.
This is such a wonderful story 🙂
Stacie recently posted…Recycling Empties
Thanks so much. Someone told me today her daughter shared it on her Facebook page.
Beautiful sentiments
Ruby Manchanda recently posted…The scent of spring
Thank you!
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