Nine Reasons Why BlogHer15 was Outstanding

Nine Reasons Why BlogHer15 was Outstanding

Just got home from BlogHer15 in New York City — the biggest annual women’s blogging conference in the industry.

It was my first conference, and I was really impressed with the quality of the event and all the planning and thought that went into it.

Here are nine reasons why the conference was first class:

Nine Reasons Why BlogHer15 was Outstanding1) The keynote speakers were outstanding. They discussed interesting, thought-provoking subjects — and the amplification was great, so it was easy to hear every speaker regardless where you sat.

The entire program was filled with an incredible amount of enthusiasm and positive energy.

2) The food provided was beautifully prepared and served, plentiful and abundant.Nine Reasons Why BlogHer15 was Outstanding

3) The location (both the city and the site within the city) was ideal.

4) The hotel facilities were excellent. The public areas were well-maintained, the staff was helpful and the rooms were comfortable and quiet.

5) There were a lot of little extra touches — for example, She Knows Media staffers wore orange flowers in their hair or on their clothes, which matched the stage backdrop and

Nine Reasons Why BlogHer15 was Outstanding

Gift bags in hotel room

even the waiters’ ties. The check-in goody bag was filled with wonderful things; I especially loved the BlogHer15 notebook to keep information in one spot. And the gift bag in the hotel rooms was fabulous, too.

6) The breakout sessions I attended were excellent; the presenters were knowledgeable and helpful. Picked up a lot of great blogging information!

7) There was a great variety of educational sessions. Wish I could’ve gone to more of them, as well as the classes WordPress offered!

8) The expo was the best I’ve ever attended; there Nine Reasons Why BlogHer 2015 was Outstandingwere so many fun activities to do as you looked over the goods on display. I especially like the free head shot photo session, the ice cream and the yummy rum drink.

9) The conference was priced well for individual bloggers — and I felt like I got my money’s worth with the programming, meals, breakout sessions, gifts  and more.

If you haven’t attended a BlogHer conference yet, give it a try next year!


 Related blog posts:

 What it Costs to Attend a BlogHer Conference

An Over-50 Blogger’s Perspective on BlogHer15


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5 Responses to Nine Reasons Why BlogHer15 was Outstanding

  1. Marcy says:

    I agree with all of these, Diane. It was my first blogging conference, and I was so pleased with everything! There was so much to do, and I feel like I only scratched the surface of all the opportunities.
    Marcy recently posted…My #BlogHer15 Recap as a Timid and Squeamish VOTY Featured Honoree: From Excited to Terrified to ExuberantMy Profile

  2. Elisa says:

    I’m so glad you went. It must be fascinating to learn about all of the different ways to communicate online. I read a few other bloggers who attended the conference and it really sounds great.

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