10 Reasons to Keep a Sentence-a-Day Five Year Journal

10 Reasons to Keep a Sentence a Day Five

Many of us kept diaries as teenagers and enjoy looking back on our record of the things we did and the friends we had — and laughing about how we’ve changed.

Today, our lives are busy and there’s no time to indulge in detailed recordings. The perfect solution to keep a record of memories is a sentence-a-day five year journal, such as The Happiness Project One-Sentence Journal pictured here.

The following benefits result from keeping the journal next to your bed and investing two minutes each night noting the highlight(s) of the day:

1) You have a succinct record of every day

2) You can compare what you did on the same date for five subsequent years (“Wow! I can’t believe it’s been a year since….” or “Last year on this date we did….”)

3) You can see at a glance how life has changed from year to  year — and how it’s stayed the same

4) You’ll enjoy flipping through the pages years down the road (and your children and grandchildren may, too); because each entry is a mere sentence or two, you probably won’t be revealing your most intimate secrets, resulting in a “G” rating

5) You can reminisce about the past without having to go to any other source; every day you get to see what you did a year ago, two years ago, etc.

6) It’s fun

7) It’s easy

8) It’s rewarding

9) It only takes two minutes a day

10) It’s a good way to end your day on a positive note by asking yourself, “What is the best thing that happened to me today?” and writing about that in the journal

Related blog posts:

Three Good Things — A New Twist on a Gratitude Journal

Victory Log — List Today’s Accomplishments, Gain Satisfaction

Create a Happiness Jar — and Enrich Your Life in Less Than a Minute a Day

Feel-Good Way to Start 2015: List 200 Accomplishments

December Daily — a Fun Way to Document the Holidays

You Can Make Someone You Love the Best Gift Ever — at No Cost


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14 Responses to 10 Reasons to Keep a Sentence-a-Day Five Year Journal

  1. Pingback: Three Good Things — a New Twist on a Gratitude Journal | Thoughts, Tips and Tales

  2. Pingback: Unique Adult Stocking Stuffer IdeasThoughts, Tips and Tales

  3. Pingback: Victory Log - List Today's Accomplishments, Gain SatisfactionThoughts, Tips and Tales

  4. Pingback: Three Good Things: A New Twist on a Gratitude JournalThoughts, Tips and Tales

  5. Kay Comer says:

    I LOVE this idea Diane!!! For years I did this on those big wall calendars and I used to love to look back over the years and see what I did on this or that date. Seems like life has gotten so hectic now even as we round out our 60’s and head into our 70’s – that I don’t take the time for so many little things that are so important and goodness I write about doing these very same kinds of things ALL THE TIME MYSELF … lol
    Kay Comer recently posted…When it Rains Look for Rainbows – When it’s Dark Look for StarsMy Profile

    • blogqueendiane says:

      Hi Kay! This is really easy, too, and only takes two minutes, because all you have to do is ask yourself, “What was the most important thing that happened today?” Thanks for commenting.

  6. Pingback: Happiness Jar - Less than a Minute a Day to Enrich Your LifeThoughts, Tips and Tales

  7. Betty says:

    I believe that journals are very rewarding. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Pingback: Start 2016: List Two Hundred AccomplishmentsThoughts, Tips and Tales

  9. Pingback: Make a Handy Calendar Pocket for Next Year's Appointments (5-Minute DIY) — Thoughts, Tips and TalesThoughts, Tips and Tales

  10. Pingback: One Word for 2018Thoughts, Tips and Tales

  11. Extremely helpful article. Thanks for sharing!
    Janice Martinez recently posted…Why We Must Need Toilet Bowl CleanerMy Profile

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