September’s been sort of a crazy, busy month. And it sure went by fast!
Good things
1) Have been spending a lot of time at work planning and coordinating about 14 different Combined Federal Campaign (annual government charity drive) fundraising events for this year’s campaign. Have never done it before, but got tired of writing articles for the employee newsletter and blog posts about the same events year after year. So this year we’re doing to do different activities! Not sure yet whether they’ll be a bust or “the best!”
The woman who is in charge of the campaign (and who I volunteered to help) wrote me an email at 3 p.m. the other afternoon and said she’d be out of town for training for 3 weeks starting the next day and she was going to tell everyone who needed help with the campaign to call me. Yikes!
It was fun to talk to people about fundraising ideas. Everyone I spoke to had a great idea to add extra elements to the basic ideas to make each event better, so that was great.
We had a paper plane contest today and people seemed to really enjoy it. Played “Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder” as the people launched their planes.
We also had the opening “Ice Bucket Challenge” outside today. That was interesting!
And we set up ping pong tables in the atrium for people to play at lunch time for a fee. That went well, too. Two wonderful employees volunteered to let us use two regulation size tables instead of the dinky little table I’d brought from home — the day before open ping pong play started!
2) Was picked as a BlogHer ( featured writer for Part One of my blog post about losing everything in Hurricane Hugo. That was an honor!
3) Got some good thrift store finds this past month – including four pairs of really nice shoes.
4) The hot, humid, sticky, steamy weather is finally cooling some (although it still rains almost every day).
5)Saw The Tempations (it’s called The Tempations Review now and there’s only one singer from the original group) — but it was fun. They wore emerald green suits and did the dance steps just like they always did. “My Girl” was the best – and they performed that one last.
6) Found out I’m getting a bonus and an award soon at work.
7) Bought a brand new car after driving the old one for 11 years. Found a cute name for her via my first blog contest!
8) Had two scrapbooking nights with my friend, V. We have a two-person scrapbook club!
Not so good things
1) Scraped the brand new car against the wood on the side of the garage not five hours after I brought it home from the dealership — and the whole side view mirror mechanism flew off! (The good news was that it popped right back on — and stayed on!)
2) Am a little frazzled about the charity events at work, but the two best coworkers ever are helping me. They’re extremely helpful and competent!
3) Here are two photos of men who wrote to me from an online dating site and “wanted to meet me.” (Sigh.) Not exactly what I had in mind. The search for Mr. Wonderful continues…