A Great Way to Look at Birthdays


A Great Wayto Look at Birthdays

Today’s my birthday!

“Some say age ain’t nothing but a number. We say it’s so much more — that each year brings distinct pleasures and grueling challenges, unique thrills and soul-shaking epiphanies, aDiane with Birthday cakend a fresh chance, always, to wrest more joy from your life.”

Isn’t this a positive — and realistic —  way to look at a new year – instead of dreading being another year older?

Source: June 2014 Oprah Magazine (lead-in to a series of article about people of various ages; no author identified), page 114

See a list of stories about the pleasures and challenges, thrills and epiphanies from the past 10 months here. And an April Fools birthday tale here, courtesy of my funny friend.

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4 Responses to A Great Way to Look at Birthdays

  1. Elisa says:

    Happy Birthday, Diane! I hope you had a wonderful day!

    I love to read all of your columns about biking and other exercise, and especially the SUP! No wonder you look amazing!

    • blogqueendiane says:

      Thanks so much for the b.d. wishes and kind words! It was a pretty low-key birthday but I have a couple fun things planned for this weekend.

  2. denise says:

    Happy Belated Birthday Diane!!! I am catching up on last weeks blogs, it was a crazy week. Your online dating horrors blogs have re-enforced my refusal to go that route:) Anyway hope your day was pleasant.
    denise recently posted…Cars that Crack Me UpMy Profile

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