Category Archives: yoga

169 Fun Things to Do Accomplished: My Completed Bucket List

Starting a new year (after two pretty uneventful years during the pandemic) got me thinking about the many fun things to do that I’ve experienced so far in life – my completed bucket list.  I’m working on a fun things … Continue reading

Posted in aerial yoga, bucket list, cruising, fun, Greece, kayak, kayaking and hiking, life, things to do, trampoline, travel, traveling solo, unique yoga, vacation, vacation destination, walking club, yoga, Zumba | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Goat Yoga is Great: Unique Fitness Fun on a Farm

Have you heard about goat yoga? It’s a health and fitness “thing” now that’s gaining popularity all over the country, and it sounded so unusual I just had to try it!

Posted in exercise, fitness, yoga | Tagged , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Yoga Doesn’t Have to Be Dull: Amazingly Unique Yoga Classes

I’ve tried yoga time and time again, and although I know it’s good for you and has health benefits, performing the poses in typical yoga classes just doesn’t grab me.

Posted in aerial yoga, polga, standup paddleboarding, unique yoga, yoga | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Aerial Yoga: A Fun and Uplifting Experience

For a truly unique fitness experience, try an aerial yoga class — stretching and posing using long fabric slings suspended from the ceiling as supports.

Posted in aerial yoga, exercise, fitness, unusual exercise classes, yoga | Tagged , , , , , | 25 Comments

Polga (Pole Fitness and Yoga) Awesomeness

In my quest to continuously try new fitness challenges, I tried a Polga class at Inversions, a local pole fitness center. When I told my friends about it afterwards, everyone initially thought I was going to tell them about Pilates … Continue reading

Posted in exercise, fitness, pole dancing, polga, yoga | Tagged , , , , | 54 Comments