Yoga Doesn’t Have to Be Dull: Amazingly Unique Yoga Classes

Amazingly Unique Yoga Classes

I’ve tried yoga time and time again, and although I know it’s good for you and has health benefits, performing the poses in typical yoga classes just doesn’t grab me.

Can’t get excited about it because it’s just toooooo slooowwww and there’s not enough action.

I’ve discovered that the solution is yoga with a twist! Unique, funky yoga classes I’ve tried and enjoyed include:

1) Aerial yoga
2) Pole dancing yoga (polga)
3) Stand-up paddleboard yoga

Aerial yoga uses light-weight hanging strands of fabric hanging from the ceiling as a support.

Polga uses a pole dancing pole as a prop. Polga 2

And stand-up paddleboard yoga involves doing poses on a board out on the water and in the fresh air.

Discovered that if you add a somewhat edgy — or non-mainstream — element to traditional yoga, it becomes a much more interesting experience! And the more “out there” a yoga class is, the more fun it is!

What about you? Have you tried variations on traditional yoga? Do you enjoy unique yoga classes?

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7 Responses to Yoga Doesn’t Have to Be Dull: Amazingly Unique Yoga Classes

  1. Elisa says:

    Hi, Diane,

    Which is harder, stand up paddle boarding, or yoga on a stand up paddleboard? My first experience on a stand up paddleboard was about like yours, but I am going to try it again this summer.

    • blogqueendiane says:

      They’re both hard, but yoga involves being down lower on the board, so it’s a little easier, I think, than paddling. I can paddle a lot better on my knees than standing!

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