Tag Archives: health

Stretching for Health and Fitness — the Latest Trend

Stretching for health and fitness is the latest trend — and businesses are springing up everywhere to help athletes – and nonathletes – understand the importance of stretching. Besides improving health and fitness and reducing the risk of injury,  stretching … Continue reading

Posted in fitness, life | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

Stand-Up Computer Desks: Great Way to Get Healthier While Using the Computer

Have you heard? Sitting is the new smoking. Doctors and scientists are encouraging people to get out of their chairs and be more active during the day, even if they work in an office environment. That’s a great reason to … Continue reading

Posted in fitness, health, stand-up computer desks | Tagged , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Take a Load Off Your Seat #2: Adjustable Stand-Up and DIY-Cycling Computer Desks

A while back, I wrote a blog post about stand-up computer desks and how using one could help improve your health, since many people sit way too much. I’ve used a stand-up computer setup at home for several years. Recently, … Continue reading

Posted in advice, bicycling, computer desks, desks, exercise, fitness, health, life, saving money, stand-up computer desks, thoughts tips and tales, work | Tagged , , , , , , , | 19 Comments

The Only Recipe You’ll Ever See Here: Low Calorie Yogurt Pie

I’m really never been into cooking or recipes at all. (The only exception is baking Christmas cookies.) But I found this super-easy, healthy and low-cal dessert that can be made using only one hand! (My left hand is heavily bandaged … Continue reading

Posted in food, health, recipes, thoughts tips and tales | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Do-it-Yourself Cooling Towels for Summer’s Hottest Days

Need a way to cool down while exercising or doing yard work on 90-degree days? My thoughtful Zumba instructor showed me how to make a do-it-yourself cooling towel that feels absolutely heavenly. (And better yet – she provides them during … Continue reading

Posted in cooling towels, do it yourself items, fitness, health, problemsolvers, relief from the heat, summer, thoughts tips and tales | Tagged , , , , , | 35 Comments

How to Add a Low-Cost Reading Rack to a Treadmill to Make Walking More Fun

I routinely walk on a treadmill at least twice a week – both at home and in the gym, and as an avid multi-tasker, I always read while walking. It’s great, because if you’re reading a good book the time … Continue reading

Posted in bargains, bike rack, diy, do it yourself, fitness, health, life, reading rack, saving money, thoughts tips and tales, timesavers, treadmill | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 27 Comments

Nothing Makes You Feel Better than a BODY PUMP Workout

OK, the title “NOTHING Makes You Feel Better than a BODY PUMP™ Workout” may’ve been a tiny bit misleading – because I can actually think of one thing that feels better… But the feeling you have after you’ve lifted weights for … Continue reading

Posted in Body Pump, fitness, fun, health, stress relievers, thoughts tips and tales | Tagged , , , , , | 17 Comments

Zumba is Exhilarating!

If you haven’t tried a Zumba class, you should! It’s so enjoyable, you’ll forget you’re exercising. I’m not much of a dancer, and the only dance I ever learned was the cha cha in junior high. Luckily, many of the … Continue reading

Posted in favorites, fitness, fun, health, life, Zumba | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 19 Comments

Stand-up Computer Desks: Take a Load off your Seat

Scientific studies have found that long periods of inactivity can cause physical problems for people, even if they exercise daily. While sitting at a desk for hours on end working diligently can increase chances of getting a promotion — it … Continue reading

Posted in fitness, health | Tagged , , , , | 28 Comments

Fitbit Fitness Fun

I’ve always heard the advice that walking 10,000 steps every day is really good for your health. Although I’ve worked out at least three times a week for more than 30 years (Body Pump, Zumba, treadmill, etc.), I’m a writer and … Continue reading

Posted in accomplishments, fitness, fun, gifts, goals, health, life, miscellaneous | Tagged , , , , | 21 Comments