Tag Archives: fun

Pass-Around-the-Office Internet Funnies

If you haven’t seen these yet, hope you enjoy! I don’t need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off! Old age is coming at a really bad time!

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Boost Happiness: Bring Back Fun Activities that Fell Along the Wayside

Realized recently that there are quite a few activities I adore but rarely make time to do. It’s time to pump up the happiness quotient and bring on more joy! My neglected “fun things to do” list is below — … Continue reading

Posted in beach, bike riding, fun, inspiration, kayak, ping pong, thoughts tips and tales | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Hilarious Online Dating Website Photos and Messages

I had carpal tunnel surgery yesterday and haven’t perfected typing with one hand… so, take a look at these goofy photos and write-ups captured from online dating sites at BuzzFeed. They’ll crack you up! And if you’re married, they’ll make … Continue reading

Posted in dates from hell, dating, fun, internet dating, online dating, thoughts tips and tales | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why I Love Personal Blogging

My full-time job involves running a corporate communications blog that provides work-related information to employees around the world, and I enjoy it. But writing a personal blog is a lot more entertaining! The reasons I enjoy personal blogging are: 1) … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, friends, fun, thoughts tips and tales | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

15 Bucket List / Lifetime Goals Achieved So Far: The Dream vs. the Reality

When you’re a childĀ and a 20-something, you dream of doing many things during your life. Although you don’t formally label it a bucket list — or a lifetime goal — that’s what it is. What childhood and early adult dreams … Continue reading

Posted in accomplishments, blogging, bucket list, childhood, family, favorites, fun, goals, life, memories, thoughts tips and tales | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

2014 World’s Ugliest Dog Winners

You already know that I am hooked on news stories about the weird things people do. Along those same lines… Each year about this time, I look forward with anticipation to seeing a photo of the winner of the year’s … Continue reading

Posted in bizarre news, dogs, fun, thoughts tips and tales | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Nothing Makes You Feel Better than a BODY PUMP Workout

OK, the title “NOTHING Makes You Feel Better than aĀ BODY PUMPā„¢ Workout” may’ve been a tiny bit misleading – because I can actually think of one thing that feels better… But the feeling you have after you’ve lifted weights for … Continue reading

Posted in Body Pump, fitness, fun, health, stress relievers, thoughts tips and tales | Tagged , , , , , | 17 Comments

Funny Friends: Laughter is the Best Medicine

I’ve done more laughing in the past 2 1/2 days that I have in the whole last year. My best old friend (we met 24 years ago) drove from Virginia and has been visiting for three days. She just rode … Continue reading

Posted in friends, fun, gratitude, life, memories, thoughts tips and tales | Tagged , , , , , , , | 20 Comments

Follow-up to Why I Love Weird News Stories: How Weird News Teaches us Great Storytelling | The Red Pen of Doom

A while back, I wrote a post about my love affair with weird news stories and the strange things people do. Right after that, I read the hilarious blog post below explaining why people love weird stories. It’s right on … Continue reading

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First 30 Days of Lifestyle Blogging

Wow — I’ve written and published one Thoughts, Tips and Tales blog post a day for the first 30 days in a row! And managed to get 1,165 hits (not too bad for a first stab at a personal blog … Continue reading

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