Thought I’d start a regular feature about the great things I find at thrift stores – starting with today’s treasures.
For $17.09, I got the following items at Goodwill:
1) Two, brand new-in-the-original-package round silver towel bars (to replace the old-fashioned square-ish ones on my bathroom wall) — $3.93 each ($3.93 x 2 = $7.86). I’m guessing the original price would be about $15 each ($30).
2) A new-in-the-original-package set of pink, 440 thread count king-sized pillowcases from Bed, Bath and Beyond (the original price was $16.99) — $5.95
3) One small basket (to stash all the printed info I collect about blogging!) — $1.99
4) One hardback book — “I’d Rather Be Writing” by Marcia Golub (to generate blog post ideas). The sale price tag from Barnes and Noble on it says $3.98 — $1.29
By my conservative calculations, the retail price for these items would’ve been about $59, resulting in a savings of approximately $42. Pretty good for a stop on the way home from work. 🙂
If you locate some thrift store bargains this week, share the joy! Write and let us know.
Related blog posts:
Thrift Store Treasures #2: Bare Trap Sandals — Love Them!
20 of the Best Bargains of my Life
The Sisterhood of Thrift Store Shoppers
Thrift Store Treasures: What I Did NOT Buy
Thrift Store Adventures Save Big Bucks and Count as Retail Therapy, Too
Things NOT to Sell at a Yard Sale
Great Fundraising Idea: Community Yard Sale
Other money-saving blog posts:
How to Get the Best Price Ever on Cottonelle TP
Save Money by Doing Your Own Pest Control
Make an Inexpensive Christmas Gift for Less Than $5
Money Saving Christmas Gift Idea #2 – Zip it Drain Cleaner
Money Saving Christmas Gift Idea #1 – Extend Your Beauty Tool
You Can Make Someone You Love the Best Gift Ever — at No Cost
Cute Halloween Window Decorations for Only $1
I Adore the Dollar Store
How to Add a Low-Cost Reading Rack to a Treadmill to Make Walking More Fun
Decorating Your Home with Extremely Low Cost Framed Prints – Part #2
How to Decorate Your Home with Extremely Low-Cost Framed Prints
Zip It Drain Cleaner – a Product to Love
So nice to find a blogger who values the sales/outlet/second hand shopping like I do… 🙂 I post about my “catches” on my blog and I think there is something awesome in a moment when I find something I just love for the price so silly I don’t even know what people in fansy stores are doing. 🙂
Iva recently posted…Today… I’m waiting for the sun to shine…
I agree about the fancy stores. Once you’ve shopped thrift stores, it’s hard to buy stuff in a “real” store!
I wrote a post a couple weeks ago about vintage dishes that I found at Goodwill. I love going shopping there.
Paris at My Big Fat Happy Life recently posted…How to Use Tomatoes from Your Garden + Summer Tomato Pasta Recipe
I love the steals I can find at thrift stores. May just have to go look tomorrow!
Goofball Mommy
Goofball Mommy recently posted…The True Super Heroes- Lessons from a Four Year Old.
Congrats! Nothing like a shopping deal.
Ohh you were able to get some great finds.
I love it when I find good deals at the thrift store!
Lysha @ Magnolia Mom recently posted…Do’s & Don’ts of Giving Blood
Me, too, Lysha. Really makes my day!
I am the worst thrift shopped because I have zero patience! So I appreciate those that are thrifting rock stars! Way to go!
The Accidental Mama
The Accidental Mama recently posted…There is a Mouse in my House
Well done!
I love second hand shopping, some of the best pieces in my wardrobe are from flea markets, consignment shops, etc.
Alex – Funky Jungle
Alex recently posted…Fashion Finds – Shoe Mania
Me, too! When I wear some of my favorite bargain clothes and jewelry and think about what I paid for them, it always makes me feel good! Bet it’s the same with you.
Awesome haul!! There is a thrift store near me that is HALF OFF on Mondays! I have gotten SO MUCH STUFF from there including a ton of books that they sell by the bag for $4 so I was paying $2 for like 10 kids books 🙂
Anne Marie recently posted…SHINE Blog Hop with The Deliberate Mom
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