Do you ever have the urge to discuss the meaning of life? Or delve into deep subjects like friendship, love, kindness, the best things in life, etc., and there just isn’t anyone to talk to? In my town, a Big Talk Meetup group was created for just that purpose; it’s open to people of all ages – and membership is free. Joining one is a great way to meet new people and have stimulating conversations.
Charleston doesn’t have the only Big Talk group — there are others across the country and around the world. And if there’s not one near you, you can start one!
To determine if there’s a group near you, simply go to the website, input information about where you live and search for Big Talk. (If you’re not familiar with Meetup groups, check out my blog post that explains what they are.) You can also do an Internet search for Big Talk get-togethers that may not be affiliated with Meetup groups.
What is Big Talk?
Big Talk is the result of an ongoing social experiment begun by Kalina Silverman, whose idea was to skip small talk and ask people deeper, more meaningful questions with the goal of making deeper, more meaningful connections. (Check out her website and video at
Silverman developed and marketed a line of Big Talk cards that leaders can buy and use for conversation starters. These cards can also be used for family dinners, parties, dating or many other things. The cards aren’t mandatory for starting a Big Talk meetup group; the leader of my group prefers to create his own questions, and they’re thought-provoking and fascinating to talk about.
What happens at a Big Talk event ?
The first time I went to a Big Talk Meetup group, I have to admit I was afraid that overly-talkative people would monopolize the conversation and others wouldn’t get a chance to speak. But it wasn’t like that at all.
The moderator did a great job of posing questions and then letting people volunteer answers as well as drawing others out to allow them to speak, while not letting any one person dominate the conversation.
The questions were so thought-provoking — and the answers people gave were so interesting — that time flew by. The experience energized and inspired me, and put me in a good mood for days afterward!
I was hooked right away and can’t wait to have more intense conversations. Why don’t you find (or start) a group and see if you like it as much as I do?
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