Once you start a blog, you’re always looking for interesting topics to write about…
Keep a notebook handy at all times and use the “how to find ideas for blog posts” list below to generate content:
1) Listen to people’s conversations and notice things that interest them and stories they tell (Move Without Breaking a Sweat: An Insanely Helpful Moving Tip)
2) Read newspapers and stay current on pop events (Cryotherapy: Freezin’ for all the Right Reasons)
3) Look around you while you’re driving and notice new businesses, billboards, roadways, etc. (Roundabouts: The Perfect Solution to Relieve Traffic Congestion)
4) Read lots of books (The Art Forger: A Book Review)
5) Browse magazines, Pinterest and websites that discuss various subjects (2015 Life Goals (Not Resolutions))
6) Get ideas from other people’s blog posts and comments readers leave there (My One Word for 2015 is Actually Two Words)
7) Share your life experiences (Starting a Mother’s Group Transformed my Life)
8) Look at old photos/scrapbooks to rekindle memories (Favorite Childhood Christmas Memories)
9) Recognize things that you know that other people might not know! (The #1 Packing Tip You Need to Know)
10) Note handy tips that friends tell you about saving money, household hints, crafts, etc. (Easy Pegboard Earring Holder)
11) Get ideas from photos you’ve taken or that you’ve seen (Stand-up Paddleboarding — the Easy Way)
12) Write about your hobbies or other people’s hobbies (Why I Love Yard Sales)
13) Describe or list products and services that make your life easier (Some of my Favorite Products and Services)
14) Describe DIY projects you or someone else has made (Make a Quick, Cheerful Spring Wreath to Chase Away Winter Blues)
15) Write posts with holiday themes (Beauty of an Eclectic Christmas Tree)
16) Summarize your month, year, life — from various points of view (2014 Year in Review, Highs and Lows of July)
17) Describe how to solve a problem (Captioned Phones: A Life Saver for Hearing-Impaired Individuals)
18) Discuss a favorite quote and apply it to life (Quote to Remember)
19) Make lists of things you love, things you hate, list just about anything… (Feel-Good Way to Start 2015: List Two Hundred Accomplishments)
20) Pass on good advice (Good Gift-Giving Advice)
21) Describe funny things that happen to you or others (Memories of Holiday Mishaps)
22) Write about embarrassing situations and talk about your mistakes (An Embarrassing Childhood Story)
23) Describe lessons you’ve learned the hard way (Cringe-Worthy Household Mistakes — and Lessons I Learned the Hard Way)
24) Discuss sports or fitness activities you like (Dragon Boating: A Unique and Fun Team Sport)
25) Write about your favorite music, books, art, etc. (Books I’ve Read and Enjoyed in 2014)
26) Note great gift ideas (You Can Make Someone You Love the Best Gift Ever — at No Cost)
27) Describe time-savers (Super Simple: How to Make a Pine Wreath in 45 Minutes)
28) Watch people and discuss what you see (Things NOT to Sell at a Yard Sale)
29) List (and link to) interesting and funny blog posts you’ve read (Favorite Blog Posts #1)
30) Weigh in on a controversial topic (Swearing in Blog Post Doesn’t Make You Look Like a Rebel — It Makes You Look Trashy)
31) Acknowledge and thank people for nice things they’ve done or good advice they’ve given (Nicest Things People have ever Done for Me)
32) Get out and do things! More activities = more content material (Meetup Groups: Great Way to Pursue Hobbies and Meet New People)
33) Be willing to try new things! (See #32 above.) (Polga (Pole Fitness and Yoga) Awesomeness)
34) Describe your travels (Traveling Solo: Why I Love Princess Cruise Lines)
35) Hold a contest (Enter the Contest to Name my New Car)
36) Take a survey (Lingerie Poll)
37) Write about your family – disguising names as needed! (Record your Child’s Holiday Experiences in a Christmas Memories Book)
38) Reveal ways to save money (Easy Ways to Save Money)
39) Create a photo post — nothing but photos and captions
40) Share your blog traffic numbers and major milestones (Blog Stats for Thoughts, Tips and Tales for 2014)
41) Write about regrets you’ve had or things you’ve never regretted
42) Ask a rhetorical question and answer it
43) Share pros and cons of a particular subject
44) Share a list of hacks to make life easier (How to Decorate Your Home with Extremely Low-Cost Framed Prints)
45) Write a series of posts on the same subject (Online Dating Horror Story #4: A Deli Emergency, Bad Boss Story #1: Mr. Charming) and link to previous posts
Inspiration is everywhere! Please share tips for how you generate blog posts here, too.
I think all bloggers are struggling to constantly come up with new topics. All good ideas. Thanks for sharing!
Carolann recently posted…Avast Antivirus Simply The Best And An Awesome GiveAway
Thanks for writing. You have GREAT ideas – am constantly amazed with the topics you come up with.
Very good ideas. I need to pin this or bookmark it. Sometimes it is hard to combine something and relate it to frugal living and such for blog though.
Gail Akeman recently posted…2-8 Smartsource Coupon Preview
These are all great topics and things to think about for blog posts. Thanks for sharing!
Robin recently posted…Amazing Facts About Exercise & Children
I need to use these ideas more. I usually just space out my posts so I don’t feel like I’m running out of things to post, but then there are weeks where I only post once because of it. Thanks for sharing these!
Great tips! Sometimes you are surprised by what can inspire you and give you the best ideas!
It is hard sometimes, and these are good ideas. I just write as the spirit moves me, or some casual remark someone makes. But I write once a day, so sometimes it does get hard.
Lots of great stuff here! I sometimes find myself stuck for post topics, but having an editorial calendar planned for a few months at a time really helps. I’m going to keep this list on hand for the next time I draft one up!
Ariana recently posted…Five Reasons to Run a Half Marathon
Idea are freely floating. we have to cast our nets and hook it. whenever I run out of topics I will remember all your points.
I like those ideas. It’s easy to get caught up in the same ol’, same ol’.
TriGirl recently posted…I’m Learning to Handle My Bike and it’s Not Pretty
thanks for these! We gotta take the ideas where we can find them!
Love #6. Questions in the comments are a great way to come up with new content ideas!
Also, pay attention to your Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics. This will give more content ideas!
Good ideas! I only really do photo articles, but often I find I don’t really have a photo topic when it comes time to write it.
– linking over from weekend blog party
Sarah E. Alb0m recently posted…Sarah’s Sunday Snapshots #25 – Ferns and Thorns
You have a lot of good ideas here. I often look at old photos to get ideas, especially from traveling.
Marcy recently posted…From Bees to Brain Waves for Aliens: Unconventional Love Letters
These are great ideas! #6 #16 and #20 are some of my favorites. Thanks for sharing!
Brita Long recently posted…What I Wish I Knew Then
Great to see all these ideas on one list. #MondayMadness
Thank you for contributing to Motivation Monday!
These are some really great ideas – we’ll be featuring you on this week’s Awesome Life Friday. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks so much!
This is fantastic! I am such a nerd, I am constantly in the middle of something non-blog-related (aka “Real Life”) and am lost in thought about how I could blog about it. Of course, if I don’t write it down I promptly forget and then am at a loss for what to write about. Ha! Thanks for a neat list of kick-starts when I can’t find a creative spark! I will pin this for inspiration! 😉
Summer recently posted…Just Us: Choose Kindness
Thanks so much! Glad it’s helpful.
Pingback: How to Find Ideas for Blog Posts - The SITS Girls
This is so helpful. Great ideas..thanks for sharing!
Creative Khadija recently posted…Multani Ceramic Art Pakistan
Great ideas! If we pay attention to what is going on around us, people watch, etc, we can spark up some new ideas.
Julie recently posted…A Call for Compassion #1000Speak
I like your suggestions because they seem a lot more real/honest than several other lists I’ve seen in the past. If something sounds too much like a writing prompt I have a hard time writing about it authentically, at least for my blog. That said, these are great suggestions and I’m going to pin for later 🙂 Thanks!!
Thanks so much – glad they’re helpful!
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