January is always a looonnnggg and boringĀ and broke month… although the second half went pretty fast.
- Went on a fun 4-mile nature walk with the local Meetup Walking Group I like so much on a beautiful 66 degree Sunday. The path got very muddy in places, so we had to walk in the woods off to the side of it much of the way. At one point, the other five women and I had to gather sticks to build a little bridge across a six-foot stream — and use a walking stick to get over it. We felt very proud of ourselves for our creative solution! (And a little like grown-up Girl Scouts.)
- Oh my gosh — after living here 20 years — finally decluttered and cleaned the garage! Killer job – but am so excited to have finally done it. My 52 weeks of decluttering project is really working so far.
- Went to a nice scrapbooking crop one Saturday with friends and won a $25 gift certificate to a restaurant.
- Enjoyed a three-day weekend.
- Did a bunch of other decluttering things around the house, too. It’s not that much fun when you’re doing it, but, boy, does it make you feel good when you finish!
- Bought some knock-off fur-lined “Ugg” style boots. My feet had been cold all day long at work for a month until I got these, and they’re so much warmer now.
- Got picked to be the February guest editor on a well-known blogger-that-I-admire’s Facebook page, Beyond Your Bloggers. I get to read 50+ blog post submissions and pick the winners in five categories, and, in return, the blogger is promoting my blog.
- Finally joined Amazon Prime — when they were selling membership for $73 (instead of the usual $99). Wow — just love being able to order anything from Amazon — big or small — and have it shipped free and arrive in a couple days. Need to check out the other benefits, too.
- We get paid every other week — and there were 3 pays this month. Gotta love that!
- Met a guy from online dating, had lunch, and a week later went to see Star Wars with him. The date was OK, but he was not the man of my dreams. And I’m still sort of shuddering thinking about his end-of-the-evening antics.
Have a wonderful February!
Related blog posts:
Highs and Lows of January 2015
Highs and Lows of December 2014
Highs and Lows of November 2014
Highs and Lows of October 2014
Highs and Lows of September 2014
Sounds like a great month overall with the exception of that date. Oh my gosh, I can only imagine his antics lol.
Carolann recently posted…My Favorite Gadget Of The Week
Antics is a good word for it!