Mixed Results on 2016 Life Goals

Mixed Results on 2016 Life Goals

Think I did somewhat better on my 2016 life goals (resolutions) than the ones from the year before…

  1. Had big plans to declutter every room in the house — one area a week. Well, that lasted about three months and then I “fell off the wagon.” But… I did declutter the garage (a major accomplishment), and every part of the kitchen (cupboards, freezer, under the sink, pantry and more) plus underneath all the bathroom sinks and the linen closet. Was proud to show my brother-in-law over Christmas how things no longer fall on people’s heads when they open cabinets above the microwave … Plan to continue decluttering in 2017, but at a slower pace.
  2. Vowed last year to do one new thing a week, and, although I didn’t document it all, think I did well on it (better than any other goal). During 2016, I took a solo cruise to Europe, went on my first Uber ride, made edible fruit bouquets, went on a women’s hiking/kayaking weekend to the North Carolina mountains, tried some fitness challenges like an adult trampoline class, milked a goat, made some new friends, finally replaced my big old clunky TVs with flat screens, did some home upgrades and more.
  3. Resolved to drink more water, and may’ve done minimally better (after all, it gets really hot here in the summer and I exercise a lot) — but it wasn’t a resounding success. Got a Yeti 30-oz. tumbler for Christmas and plan to put it to work this year (and drink from it).
  4. Wanted to stay in touch with my far-flung family more last year, and did that. Visited my parents about every two months — and my sister and I finally found a mutually-agreeable time to chat on the phone every week when we’re both awake!
  5. Yay!  Finally signed up and began online banking this past year. (I know you’re saying “It’s about time.” But I’m a slow adopter…)
  6. Attempted to walk an average of 65,000 steps a week as measured on my Fitbit. I ended up walking 2.86 million steps during 2016 (1,186 miles) which was an average of 54,932 a week — up 8 percent from 50,847 a week in 2015. Up, but not quite enough! Maybe this year…

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Week 7 of 52: Decluttering Pots and Pans

Decluttering the Bathroom: Week 8 of 52

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Decluttering the Kitchen Counter

Decluttering the Garage

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